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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Gardners Books
Publication date September 27, 2012
Pages 272
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781460203507
ISBN-10 146020350X
Original list price $41.30
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: From the oilfields of the Alaskan high Arctic to the sultry hostile jungles of Indonesia, from the war-torn desert of Kuwait to tumultuous Thailand, West Texas oilfield engineer Bubba Cottonmill is thrown into a kind of turmoil he's never experienced before. It's the early 90s, and he's been immersed into an international oil field construction industry that creates power and starts wars - a place of murder, corruption, and assassination. Bubba battles to survive on the job as he is confronted with spear throwing jungle warriors, the 1991 Gulf War devastation and its hundreds of uncontrolled oil well fires, boobytraps, and land mines.

Book cover for 9781460203507
The price comparison is for this edition
from Gardners Books (September 27, 2012)
9781460203507 | details & prices | 272 pages | List price $41.30
About: From the oilfields of the Alaskan high Arctic to the sultry hostile jungles of Indonesia, from the war-torn desert of Kuwait to tumultuous Thailand, West Texas oilfield engineer Bubba Cottonmill is thrown into a kind of turmoil he's never experienced before.

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