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Shine: Library Edition
By Lauren Myracle and Elizabeth Evans (narrator)
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Jump down to see edition details for: CD/Spoken Word
Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Brilliance Audio
Publication date February 20, 2012
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Unabridged
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9781455879601
ISBN-10 1455879606
Dimensions 1 by 6.75 by 7 in.
Weight 0.65 lbs.
Original list price $54.97
Other format details audio
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: When Patrick Truman is found beaten, bound, and left for dead, sixteen-year-old loner Cat is determined to discover the truth of what happened to her former best friend. The local sheriff blames out-of-towners, but Cat is sure someone in their small, tightly knit Southern community is guilty of the crime. Patrick is gay, and for years he has been teased and bullied by people claiming to be his friends, people Cat calls "the redneck posse." She plans to start her hunt for the culprit with them. But there are two problems. Cat's brother is a member of the posse, and so is the boy who assaulted Cat years ago, forcing her into the self-imposed exile from which she must now emerge...for Patrick and for herself. Against a backdrop of poverty, clannishness, and intolerance, Myracle has crafted a searing coming-of-age story.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781455879601 Book cover for 9781455879625
The price comparison is for this edition
With Lauren Myracle | Unabridged edition from Brilliance Audio (February 20, 2012)
9781455879601 | details & prices | 6.75 × 7.00 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 10-12 | 0.65 lbs | List price $54.97
About: When Patrick Truman is found beaten, bound, and left for dead, sixteen-year-old loner Cat is determined to discover the truth of what happened to her former best friend.
With Lauren Myracle | Mp3 una edition from Brilliance Audio (February 20, 2012)
9781455879625 | details & prices | 5.25 × 7.50 × 0.75 in. | 0.15 lbs | List price $39.97
About: When Patrick Truman is found beaten, bound, and left for dead, sixteen-year-old loner Cat is determined to discover the truth of what happened to her former best friend.

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