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Crisis Leadership - the Navy Way: Using Limits to Lead Out of Crisis
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Createspace Independent Pub
Publication date
August 11, 2010
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In the chaos of Operation Desert Shield an aircraft carrier supply officer is tasked to complete a four week supply load-out in only 4 days. In the Pacific Ocean, a U.S. Naval ship's only enlisted quartermaster responsible for navigation suffers a heart attack at the start of an 11,000 mile crossing, yet they continue their journey. In each of these cases the Navy personnel found that a crisis imposed stringent limits which then presented opportunities for a resourceful solution when using the proper problem-solving techniques. In this book you'll learn that there is always a better way. It's only a matter of belief and exploration that can lead to new, better solutions. We'll guide you through real-world Navy examples, take a look at the Apollo program that could have been and analyze an innovative solution for a manned Mars mission. Understand this process and how it can be used, before the need arises, to create a better future.
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With Jim Hull, George Sauer |
from Createspace Independent Pub (August 11, 2010)
9781453719558 | details & prices | 110 pages | List price $9.95
About: In the chaos of Operation Desert Shield an aircraft carrier supply officer is tasked to complete a four week supply load-out in only 4 days.
About: In the chaos of Operation Desert Shield an aircraft carrier supply officer is tasked to complete a four week supply load-out in only 4 days.
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