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James Bond
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher David & Charles
Publication date May 30, 2012
Pages 143
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781446301951
ISBN-10 1446301958
Dimensions 0.75 by 5.50 by 7 in.
Weight 0.58 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $12.99
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
The James Bond Archives | Bond On Bond | Bond on Set | 50 Years of James Bond | A Brief Guide to James Bond
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
  • Where did James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming, gain inspiration for his character?
  • What was Ian Fleming's original name for his spy?
  • Who wrote the James Bond theme?
  • How did JFK influence the release of From Russia with Love?

An essential companion for every Bond fan, this book will unearth a plethora of surprising and intriguing facts about the much-loved fictional spy, and the books and films he has starred in. Brimming with strange and amusing stories about the Bond actors, from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig, behind-the-scenes tidbits from the film sets, and amazing facts about Ian Fleming’s original novel, the brief, accessible and entertaining pieces make this the perfect book to dip in to.

Book cover for 9781446301951
The price comparison is for this edition
from David & Charles (May 30, 2012)
9781446301951 | details & prices | 143 pages | 5.50 × 7.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.58 lbs | List price $12.99
About: Where did James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming, gain inspiration for his character?

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