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Cheyenne Sunny Day Mclain
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Outskirts Pr
Publication date
September 15, 2009
Book category
Adult Fiction
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§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Cheyenne Sunny Day McLain is an exciting epic love story that leads readers through a stroll down memory lane to times of country, Doo-Wop, Rock N Roll music and Remember When.
A lonely, broken hearted Cheyenne McLain arrives in Yort Town, Missouri, captivating hearts, desires and cultivating life-long friendships.
Trying to find direction on his pathway of life Cheyenne follows the True Light of life desperately searching for the one who holds the key to his heart.
Will Cheyenne McLain ever find joy, peace, and happiness? Find out for yourself as you travel on a journey with Cheyenne that will bring back to you your own personal memories, a journey that you will soon never forget and want to share with others.
A lonely, broken hearted Cheyenne McLain arrives in Yort Town, Missouri, captivating hearts, desires and cultivating life-long friendships.
Trying to find direction on his pathway of life Cheyenne follows the True Light of life desperately searching for the one who holds the key to his heart.
Will Cheyenne McLain ever find joy, peace, and happiness? Find out for yourself as you travel on a journey with Cheyenne that will bring back to you your own personal memories, a journey that you will soon never forget and want to share with others.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Outskirts Pr (September 15, 2009)
9781432724016 | details & prices | 466 pages | List price $21.95
About: Cheyenne Sunny Day McLain is an exciting epic love story that leads readers through a stroll down memory lane to times of country, Doo-Wop, Rock N Roll music and Remember When.
About: Cheyenne Sunny Day McLain is an exciting epic love story that leads readers through a stroll down memory lane to times of country, Doo-Wop, Rock N Roll music and Remember When.
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