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The White Rose: Book I of the Triology Falling, Dancing, Flying
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Xlibris Corp
Publication date
May 7, 2007
Book category
Adult Fiction
Original list price
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: "Falling, Dancing, Flying, a trilogy" by Jenenne Castor-Thompson.a grand, sweeping, deeply symbolic love story.Book One, the pristine Albedo of The White Rose, Book Two, the bloody Rubedo of The Red Rose, and Book Three, the death throes of the Citrinitas of The Yellow Rose. The story spans the years from 1880 to 1997. A story of spirituality, sexuality, and reality in the most immediate moment and in the historical moment, as told by Mary, Michelle, Blaise, Cecilia, Estelle, and Melissa. Book One, "The White Rose" from "Falling, Dancing, Flying, a trilogy" a story inspired by actual events; an allegory of a journey of Individuation. The book chronicles the Alchemical transformation of Mary Bernard and her search for enlightenment. A deeply spiritual story taking the reader magnificently into the bright light of enlightenment, while not fearing the shadow of that light. The story looks intently at the complexities of Lesbian love and does not shy away from those complexities. Book One, "The White Rose" will be available for purchase in the spring of 2007. Book Two, "The Red Rose" and Book Three, "The Yellow Rose" will be available for purchase at a later date.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Xlibris Corp (May 7, 2007)
9781425749316 | details & prices | 114 pages | List price $20.99
About: "Falling, Dancing, Flying, a trilogy" by Jenenne Castor-Thompson.
About: "Falling, Dancing, Flying, a trilogy" by Jenenne Castor-Thompson.
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