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The Fallacy of Fundamentalism
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Publishamerica Inc
Publication date February 28, 2006
Pages 170
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781424123209
ISBN-10 1424123208
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $24.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Far from being a unified and cohesive religious body dedicated to the worship and glorification of God, the Christian faith, with its fragmented and fractious disunity, runs amuck through a maze of ideological diversity. With their intransigency in accepting the inevitability of change during the three thousand years of humans’ drive for enlightenment and knowledge in a marvelously complex world, the evangelical literalists hold every word in the Bible as sacrosanct and the literal Word of God. They seem to languish in ancient spiritual and cultural oblivion from an era long faded into the abyss of time. They do not comprehend that our world continues to challenge them as evolutionary works-in-progress—where the lingerers, fearing and failing to arise to these challenges, will become forgotten epilogues on the pages of human history

Book cover for 9781424123209
The price comparison is for this edition
from Publishamerica Inc (February 28, 2006)
9781424123209 | details & prices | 170 pages | List price $24.95
About: Far from being a unified and cohesive religious body dedicated to the worship and glorification of God, the Christian faith, with its fragmented and fractious disunity, runs amuck through a maze of ideological diversity.

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