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Black Fire: Flames from Hell
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Publishamerica Inc
Publication date November 30, 2005
Pages 229
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781424106233
ISBN-10 1424106230
Availability§ Apply Direct
Original list price $24.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: A reign of terror has come to reside in the peaceful town of San Preto. A spring break party turns into a bloodbath. Two lovers are drained of all their blood in broad daylight…one of whose head has been ripped off his shoulders. The patrons of a nightclub are found mutilated…also drained of all blood. A young woman is attacked in her apartment by an inconceivable force, and now she must fight to stay alive. A new terror has arrived in San Preto…and it has fangs…and it is very, very thirsty.

Book cover for 9781424106233
The price comparison is for this edition
from Publishamerica Inc (November 30, 2005)
9781424106233 | details & prices | 229 pages | List price $24.95
About: A reign of terror has come to reside in the peaceful town of San Preto.

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