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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Elloras Cave Pub Inc
Publication date April 30, 2006
Pages 228
Binding Paperback
Edition 1
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781419954771
ISBN-10 1419954776
Dimensions 0.75 by 5 by 8 in.
Weight 0.60 lbs.
Availability§ Apply Direct
Original list price $12.99
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Black Gold - Love Slave By Ann Jacobs Shana Green's been fantasizing about being a houri, a love slave to a wealthy sheikh, for years. When fate drops Dahoud el Rashid, or "Bear", practically into her lap, she's not about to let him get away... Bear wants one last ultra-hot fling before he settles down to take over his father's oil business. He'll fulfill every last one of Shana's fantasies if it means he can have his fill. Of her. Black Gold - Forever Enslaved By Ann Jacobs Bound by love… Shana and Bear have survived the joining of their two very different, warring worlds. They've lived through the death, destruction and aftermath of war, tearing grief, and immeasurable joy. They've gone through too much to toss it all away, but that's what Shana seems determined to do. Tired of spending weeks on her own while Bear plunges into one dangerous situation after another in his search for his cousin held prisoner in Iraq, Shana flees to the sanctuary of her family in Houston. The miles do nothing to assuage her hunger for his touch, her need for the big, sexy sheikh who stole her heart. Too late she realizes that being lonely without Bear is infinitely worse than being lonely with him. But it's too late to turn back—her pride won't let her. The next move is up to Bear. For them to find the way home, Bear must prove Shana is still his love slave, his houri…the one woman for whom he will move mountains to make her every submissive fantasy come true. Black Gold - Entrapped By Ann Jacobs Horribly burned during the first Gulf War, Leila Qassimi lives behind the veil, longing for a taste of the pleasure the loss of her beauty and her husband have long denied. Imprisoned in an Iraqi jail, Jamil al Hassan has been whipped, beaten, and used for eleven years. He'll do anything to escape his sadistic jailer, Leila's brother-by-marriage, Dubaq. Anything, even give in to Leila's seduction.

Book cover for 9781419954771
The price comparison is for this edition
1 edition from Elloras Cave Pub Inc (April 30, 2006)
9781419954771 | details & prices | 228 pages | 5.00 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $12.99
About: Black Gold - Love Slave By Ann Jacobs Shana Green's been fantasizing about being a houri, a love slave to a wealthy sheikh, for years.

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