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You Are the Ref: A Guide to Good Refereeing
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Bloomsbury Sport
Publication date June 20, 2013
Pages 208
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781408158869
ISBN-10 1408158868
Dimensions 0.60 by 8.25 by 5.50 in.
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $23.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Based on the well-known, long-running You Are the Ref football feature, illustrated by legendary artist Paul Trevillion and written by former international referee Keith Hackett, this guide is aimed at anyone interested in football - spectators, players, coaches and referees.

Established, trainee, and newly qualified football referees will find this guide invaluable, and can test their knowledge throughout the book. Younger football fans can learn more about the beautiful game, while older fans can use the book to settle heated arguments about referees' decision making!

This is an accessible, easy-to-digest guide and includes a Foreword by top referee Howard Webb. The mysteries of refereeing are explained clearly, and brought to life with Paul Trevillion's images and Keith Hackett's incisive text.

You are the Ref covers all aspects of Refereeing and Assistant Referee training: Movement and Positioning; Recognition of offences; Viewing angles; Whistle and Flag Technique; Management of Mass Confrontation; Sports Psychology; Managing Conflict; Teamwork; Law 11 (offside) explained; Goal and target setting; How to deal with Assessments; Warming up; Warming Down; Polar Heart Monitors; Pre- Match preparation; Fit to play Ref?; Mentor programme; Coaching Referees; Body Language; Self Assessment; and much much more...

Book cover for 9781408158869
The price comparison is for this edition
With Keith Hackett | from Bloomsbury Sport (June 20, 2013)
9781408158869 | details & prices | 208 pages | 8.25 × 5.50 × 0.60 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $23.95
About: Based on the well-known, long-running You Are the Ref football feature, illustrated by legendary artist Paul Trevillion and written by former international referee Keith Hackett, this guide is aimed at anyone interested in football - spectators, players, coaches and referees.

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