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God's Blessings of Christmas
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Thomas Nelson Inc
Publication date October 1, 2013
Pages 48
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781400323357
ISBN-10 1400323355
Dimensions 0.25 by 4 by 6.75 in.
Weight 0.10 lbs.
Availability§ Apply Direct
Original list price $71.76
Other format details religious
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Rejoice in the miracle and meaning of Christmas.

Billy Graham celebrates the Savior’s birth in this thoughtful Christmas devotional booklet. Explore the blessings of hope, joy, love, and peace that believers can experience as they keep their eyes on Jesus. Included are excerpts from the bestselling This Christmas Night, hymns, Scriptural accounts of Christ’s birth, and beautiful poetry by Ruth Bell Graham. It’s perfect for keeping your focus on what’s truly important during the busyness of the Christmas season.

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Book cover for 9781400323357 Book cover for 9781400323364
The price comparison is for this edition
from Thomas Nelson Inc (October 1, 2013)
9781400323357 | details & prices | 48 pages | 4.00 × 6.75 × 0.25 in. | 0.10 lbs | List price $71.76
About: Rejoice in the miracle and meaning of Christmas.
from Thomas Nelson Inc (October 1, 2013)
9781400323364 | details & prices | 64 pages | 4.25 × 7.00 × 3.75 in. | 2.50 lbs | List price $71.76

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