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Eagle Warrior (Apache Protectors: Tribal Thunder)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harlequin Intrigue
Publication date January 17, 2017
Pages 256
ISBN-13 9781335720801
ISBN-10 1335720804
Dimensions 0.68 by 4.53 by 6.82 in.
Original list price $5.75
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Could protecting her mean protecting the enemy? 

As a former US Marine, Turquoise Guardian Ray Strong is no stranger to high-risk situations. But when he is assigned to protect Morgan Hooke—a single mother and daughter to the Apache who killed a mass gunman—Ray suspects there is more to his mission than meets the eye. Is Morgan an innocent bystander, or the keeper of her father's secrets and blood money? Despite his better instincts, Ray feels a powerful attraction to Morgan. Motivated by love and the loss of his own parents and best friend, Ray will do anything to keep her out of the hands of unseen enemies. 

Apache Protectors: Tribal Thunder

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