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Essentials of the Legal Environment Today
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Bibliographic Detail
South-Western Pub
Publication date
May 26, 2015
5 lslf
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
Original list price
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Current, succinct, and straightforward, ESSENTIALS OF THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT, 5E uses a nontechnical approach to deliver complete one-semester coverage of business law and its environment. Cases are summarized by the authors and integrated throughout chapters. Miller explains legal issues and court decisions with minimal legal jargon. Hands-on applications help students strengthen their critical thinking skills as well as think through ethical dilemmas before they confront them in the workplace. The book also explores how traditional law has been applied to issues involving the Internet and how the laws of other nations deal with topics discussed in the text. In addition to Cases and Case Problems featuring issues from legal disputes in 2013 and 2014, the fifth edition includes an all-new chapter on Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy, new Managerial Strategy features, new Preventing Legal Disputes features, and more.
The price comparison is for this edition
5 lslf edition from South-Western Pub (May 26, 2015)
9781305863965 | details & prices | List price $129.95
About: Current, succinct, and straightforward, ESSENTIALS OF THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT, 5E uses a nontechnical approach to deliver complete one-semester coverage of business law and its environment.
About: Current, succinct, and straightforward, ESSENTIALS OF THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT, 5E uses a nontechnical approach to deliver complete one-semester coverage of business law and its environment.
5th edition from South-Western Pub (January 1, 2015)
9781305262676 | details & prices | 521 pages | 8.25 × 9.75 × 0.75 in. | 2.32 lbs | List price $199.95
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