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Biology Today and Tomorrow Without Physiology + Mindtap Biology, 1 Term 6 Month Printed Access Card
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Brooks/Cole Pub Co
Publication date February 18, 2015
Binding Paperback
Edition 5 pap/psc
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781305623668
ISBN-10 1305623665
Original list price $234.95
Other format details sci/tech
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Strike the perfect balance between level of detail and accessibility! Written for a one-semester, non-Biology majors course, BIOLOGY TODAY AND TOMORROW WITHOUT PHYSIOLOGY is packed with applications that are relevant to a student's daily life. The clear, straightforward writing style, in-text learning support, and trendsetting art engage students and help them understand key concepts. The accompanying MindTap for Biology is the most engaging and easiest to customize online solution in Biology. Overall, this accessible introduction helps students develop an understanding of biology and the process of science while building the critical-thinking skills they need to become responsible citizens of the world.

Book cover for 9781305623668
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With Cecie Starr, Christine Evers | 5 pap/psc edition from Brooks/Cole Pub Co (February 18, 2015)
9781305623668 | details & prices | List price $234.95
About: Strike the perfect balance between level of detail and accessibility!

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