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Coaching and Mentoring in Higher Education: A Step-by-step Guide to Exemplary Practice
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date April 8, 2016
Pages 144
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781137451491
ISBN-10 1137451491
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.50 by 8.25 in.
Weight 0.50 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $45.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Mentoring and coaching are becoming widely recognised as a means to promote student success, retention and attainment. Such programmes help students to transition into university life and achieve the best possible outcome from their experience.

For a mentoring or coaching scheme to benefit students, however, it's important to follow best practice. This book will guide you through the crucial stages and possible pitfalls of setting up your own coaching or mentoring programme. The first section outlines what these terms mean, how they can be used and the attributes required to be a good coach or mentor. The book goes on to guide you step by step through the processes of planning a programme, recruiting coaches or mentors, matching them to mentees and evaluating the end result. The final chapters discuss more specialised programmes, such as ementoring and using university mentors for school pupils.

Book cover for 9781137451491
The price comparison is for this edition
from Palgrave Macmillan (April 8, 2016)
9781137451491 | details & prices | 144 pages | 5.50 × 8.25 × 0.50 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $45.00
About: Mentoring and coaching are becoming widely recognised as a means to promote student success, retention and attainment.

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