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The Federal Design Dilemma: Congress and Intergovernmental Delegation
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Cambridge Univ Pr
Publication date May 31, 2016
Pages 302
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781107110465
ISBN-10 1107110467
Original list price $94.99
Other format details university press
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The level of government responsible for implementing policies affects intent, services provided, and ultimate outcomes. The decision about where to locate such responsibility is the federal design dilemma faced by Congress. Taking a new approach to this delegation and decentralization, The Federal Design Dilemma focuses on individual members of Congress. Not only are these legislators elected by constituents from their states, they also consider the outcomes that will result from state-level versus national executive branch implementation of policies. Here, Pamela J. Clouser McCann documents congressional intergovernmental delegation between 1973 and 2010, and how individual legislators voted on decentralization and centralization choices. Clouser McCann traces the path of the Affordable Care Act from legislative proposals in each chamber to its final enactment, focusing on how legislators wrestled with their own intergovernmental context and the federal design of health insurance reform in the face of political challenges.

Book cover for 9781107110465
The price comparison is for this edition
from Cambridge Univ Pr (May 31, 2016)
9781107110465 | details & prices | 302 pages | List price $94.99
About: The level of government responsible for implementing policies affects intent, services provided, and ultimate outcomes.

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