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Zora's Zucchini
By Anna Raff (illustrator) and Katherine Pryor
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Readers to Eaters
Publication date August 11, 2015
Pages 32
Binding Hardcover
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9780983661573
ISBN-10 098366157X
Dimensions 0.25 by 9 by 8.75 in.
Weight 0.70 lbs.
Original list price $16.95
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
The first zucchini of a summer garden is always exciting, but what happens when the plants just keep growing...and growing...and growing? Zora soon finds herself with more zucchini than her family can bake, sauté, or barbecue. Fortunately the ever-resourceful girl comes up with the perfect plan—a garden swap!

Author Katherine Pryor and artist Anna Raff followup with their first book, Sylvia's Spinach, with this playful story of a child who discovers not only the wonder of growing food but the satisfaction of growing a community.

Shelf Awareness, says "Zora's Zucchini satisfies every appetite with its clean, happy storyline and whimsical illustrations." and Tom Watson, EcoConsumer, writes "We’ll never make headway with the pressing environmental issues of our time – such as climate change, community-building and food waste – without brilliant, fun little books like Zora’s Zucchini ." A Whole Kids Foundation Book Club selection for April 2016.

Book cover for 9780983661573
The price comparison is for this edition
With Katherine Pryor | from Readers to Eaters (August 11, 2015)
9780983661573 | details & prices | 32 pages | 9.00 × 8.75 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 0.70 lbs | List price $16.95
About: The first zucchini of a summer garden is always exciting, but what happens when the plants just keep growing.

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