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Ruffen: The Escape to Loch Ness
By Thore Hansen (illustrator) and Tor Age Bringsvaerd
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Mackenzie Smiles
Publication date June 15, 2009
Pages 72
Binding Hardcover
Edition Ill
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9780981576121
ISBN-10 0981576125
Dimensions 0.50 by 7.75 by 9.75 in.
Weight 0.88 lbs.
Availability§ Apply Direct
Original list price $16.95
Other format details juvenile
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
Children love zoos, but they rarely think about the exhibits from the animals point of view. Ruffen: The Escape to Loch Ness presents this side of the story. When Ruffen gets a letter from Auntie Nessie with an invitation to visit her, he has no idea just how risky the journey will turn out to be. Ruffen is caught by humans and exhibited in a zoo. There he learns how unhappy all the other animals are in captivity. Fortunately, Ruffen is strong enough to get out of his cage and release the other animals as well. With the animal catchers on their heels, he and the other animals continue their escape to Loch Ness and Auntie Nessies house.

Book cover for 9780981576121
The price comparison is for this edition
Ill edition from Mackenzie Smiles (June 15, 2009)
9780981576121 | details & prices | 72 pages | 7.75 × 9.75 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 2-3 | 0.88 lbs | List price $16.95
About: Children love zoos, but they rarely think about the exhibits from the animals point of view.

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