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Adventures of Bio Boy: The Best of Season One
By Chris Brimacombe (illustrator), Ben Dale (illustrator), Andy MacDonald (illustrator) and Sal Cipriano
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Speakeasy Comics
Publication date March 30, 2006
Pages 128
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9780973838848
ISBN-10 0973838841
Availability§ Publication Cancelled
Original list price $12.99
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The universe's #1 game show comic rolls out its first season collection! Bio Boy is the star of the show and his challenges have mounted sky high! Giant Monsters? Check! She-Demon Pirates? Yup! Tiki Robots? Gotcha covered! A rock with an attitude? Err... yeah we're good. But Bio Boy just wants love and respect; something he can't seem to get from his peers and ex-girlfriend. Worst of all, his transforming robotic arm thinks he's the star of the show! Can Bio Boy even survive this collection?! Features an exclusive bonus story!

Book cover for 9780973838848
The price comparison is for this edition
from Speakeasy Comics (March 30, 2006)
9780973838848 | details & prices | 128 pages | List price $12.99
About: The universe's #1 game show comic rolls out its first season collection!

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