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A Modest Proposal and Other Satires
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Prometheus Books
Publication date December 1, 1994
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780879759193
ISBN-10 0879759194
Dimensions 1 by 5.50 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.75 lbs.
Original list price $14.99 says people who bought this book also bought:
Catch 22
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) has been generally acknowledged as the greatest English satirist. In a prodigious stream of letters, pamphlets, tales, and essays, he assailed, with irony, erudition, and savage wit, several of the abuses and vices he saw around him, including political corruption, religious intolerance, hypocrisy, and the decline of learning. These selections from Swift's greatest writings include some of his best-known pieces against organized religion and the English oppression of Ireland: "A Tale of a Tub"; "A Tritical Essay"; "A Meditation upon a Broomstick"; "Thoughts on Various Subjects"; "An Argument against Abolishing Christianity in England"; "A Discourse concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit"; Drapier letters nos. 1 and 4; "On Political Lying"; "A Character, Panegyric, and Description of the Legion Club"; and "A Modest Proposal."

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9781420928488 | details & prices | 112 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.50 in. | 0.30 lbs | List price $9.99
The price comparison is for this edition
from Prometheus Books (December 1, 1994)
9780879759193 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.50 × 1.00 in. | 0.75 lbs | List price $14.99
About: Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) has been generally acknowledged as the greatest English satirist.

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