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Housing Policy and Devolution: A Delicate Balancing Act
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Twentieth Century Fund
Publication date September 1, 1998
Pages 120
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780870784279
ISBN-10 0870784277
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $10.95
Other format details university press
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Housing policy in the United States is made and carried out through a complex mosaic of federal, state, county, and municipal governments. Most federal housing policy is organized through "block grants" to state and local governments, which have varying degrees of leeway in how they spend the money depending on the particular program. By and large, the track record of these programs is poor and scandal-plagued.

In this report, Peter Dreier provides an overview of U.S. housing policy, analyzes what has failed (and, in come cases, worked) in the past, and sets forth a strategy for more effectively allocating responsibilities among different levels of government. In particular, Dreier argues that the federal government should develop stronger links with metropolitan regions as opposed to states or cities.

The price comparison is for this edition
from Twentieth Century Fund (September 1, 1998)
9780870784279 | details & prices | 120 pages | List price $10.95
About: Housing policy in the United States is made and carried out through a complex mosaic of federal, state, county, and municipal governments.

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