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Drawing from the Modern: 1975-2005
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Bibliographic Detail
Museum of Modern Art
Publication date
October 31, 2005
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1.25 by 8.50 by 10.50 in.
2.85 lbs.
Publisher Out of Stock
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: While art history has already made room for the flurry of movements to emerge in the period following World War II, the myriad artistic positions of the last 30 years have yet to be written into firm historical categories. Drawing from the Modern, 1975-2005, the final installment in a series of exhibitions and catalogues from The Museum of Modern Art's drawings collection, attempts to tell a provisional story of the years from 1975 to the present, as reflected through the Museum's unparalleled holdings of works on paper. This volume details both the blossoming of different art positions on a broad, international scale and the coming of age of drawing as an independent--and for many artists, a primary--form of art. Organized in loose geographic or thematic clusters within chronological sections, the catalogue features over 130 works by more than 100 artists. The first section contains drawings by established artists who continued to produce vital work into the past three decades, including such figures as Vija Celmins, Philip Guston, Jasper Johns, Bruce Nauman, Edward Ruscha and Andy Warhol. The middle section highlights works by artists, from both Europe and the United States, who first came into their own in the 1970s and 1980s, such as Anselm Kiefer, Martin Kippenberger, Gerhard Richter, Rosemarie Trockel, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Roni Horn, Elizabeth Murray, Raymond Pettibon and Kiki Smith. The final section covers the 90s to the present and includes drawings by Marlene Dumas, Ellen Gallagher, Arturo Herrera, Thomas Hirschhorn, William Kentridge, Yoshitomo Nara, Gabriel Orozco, Luc Tuymans and Kara Walker. As with the previous volumes, this edition will become an essential resource for aficionados of works on paper and anyone interested in current trends in art.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Museum of Modern Art (October 31, 2005)
9780870706653 | details & prices | 220 pages | 8.50 × 10.50 × 1.25 in. | 2.85 lbs | List price $39.95
About: While art history has already made room for the flurry of movements to emerge in the period following World War II, the myriad artistic positions of the last 30 years have yet to be written into firm historical categories.
About: While art history has already made room for the flurry of movements to emerge in the period following World War II, the myriad artistic positions of the last 30 years have yet to be written into firm historical categories.
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