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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Rizzoli Intl Pubns
Publication date November 1, 2005
Pages 173
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780847827572
ISBN-10 0847827577
Dimensions 0.75 by 11 by 12.25 in.
Weight 3.55 lbs.
Original list price $50.00 says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: At thirty-two, Jenny Saville has had a career most artists twice her age would envy. In 1992, the year she completed her studies at Glasgow School of Art, her graduation exhibition sold out. Most notably, one painting was bought by Charles Saatchi and, since then, her international reputation has grown at a rapid and steady pace.Jenny Saville is described as a "New Old Master" for the technical proficiency of her oversize nudes that have earned her comparisons to Rubens and Lucian Freud and universal praise from critics and art historians alike. For the conceptual underpinnings of her work, she has been hailed as one of the most interesting artists of the last decade. Her work has been shown alongside that of Damien Hirst and the other Young British Artists in the acclaimed and seminal survey of new British art Sensation at the Royal Academy (London, 1997) and the Brooklyn Museum of Art (New York, 2000).This is the only monograph devoted to the critically acclaimed young artist and features all of Jenny Saville's paintings to date-including many previously unpublished. This volume is being published in association with the Gagosian Gallery in London. The power of her brilliant and relentless embodiment of our worst anxieties about our own corporeality and gender is what distinguishes Saville from other paint-obsessed representers of the naked human body. To my eye, no other artist in recent memory has combined empathy and distance with such visual and emotional impact. -Linda Nochlin, Art in America, March 2000

Book cover for 9780847827572
The price comparison is for this edition
from Rizzoli Intl Pubns (November 1, 2005)
9780847827572 | details & prices | 173 pages | 11.00 × 12.25 × 0.75 in. | 3.55 lbs | List price $50.00
About: At thirty-two, Jenny Saville has had a career most artists twice her age would envy.

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