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Beginning Again: Benedictine Wisdom for Living With Illness
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Morehouse Pub Co
Publication date October 1, 2004
Pages 132
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780819219657
ISBN-10 0819219657
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.75 by 8.75 in.
Weight 0.40 lbs.
Original list price $16.00
Other format details religious
Summaries and Reviews
Teaches those living with illness or even dying how to discern a rule of life that helps with changes in resting and activity levels, with food restrictions, and with requirements for medicine or medical treatment by following the ancient Benedictine concepts of stability, obedience, and conversion. Original. description: Product Description: In 1995 Mary Earle was hospitalized with acute pancreatitis. When she was able to return home, she still faced a long recovery. She had to stay in bed most of the time, and eating was difficult some days. The busy life she had always known was gone, and she had to begin again. Like others who suffer from serious or chronic conditions, Mary Earle found that living with illness can require major adjustments in life.

Using St. Benedict's ancient Rule--his way of ordering the life and days of religious communities--Beginning Again teaches readers how to discern a rule of life that helps them with changes in resting and activity levels, with food restrictions, and requirements for medicine or medical treatment. The ancient Benedictine concepts of stability, obedience, and conversion can help anyone living with illness, even those who are dying.

Beginning Again
is a practical resource, written for those who know little about St. Benedict and his Rule of Life, with exercises to help readers discover how to live with God at the center of their lives and illnesses. It is useful for those living with illness, and for clergy, counselors, and spiritual directors who care for them.

Book cover for 9780819219657
The price comparison is for this edition
from Morehouse Pub Co (October 1, 2004)
9780819219657 | details & prices | 132 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.40 lbs | List price $16.00
About: Teaches those living with illness or even dying how to discern a rule of life that helps with changes in resting and activity levels, with food restrictions, and with requirements for medicine or medical treatment by following the ancient Benedictine concepts of stability, obedience, and conversion.

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