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The American Billboard: 100 Years
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Harry N Abrams Inc
Publication date September 1, 1997
Pages 192
Binding Paperback
Edition Reprint
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780810927650
ISBN-10 0810927659
Dimensions 0.50 by 8.25 by 11.75 in.
Weight 1.90 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $24.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Examines the history of billboards and their reflection of trends in art, advertising, and society
Book cover for 9780810931169
With Sharon Avrutick (other contributor) | from Harry N Abrams Inc (October 1, 1991)
9780810931169 | details & prices | 14.50 × 10.50 × 1.00 in. | 4.30 lbs | List price $65.00
About: Examines the history of billboards and their reflection of trends in art, advertising, and society
Book cover for 9780810927650
from Diane Pub Co (January 31, 2004)
9780756771317 | details & prices | 11.25 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 1.80 lbs | List price $25.00
About: A book which tells the story of the American billboard in detail, reproducing a selection of vintage photographs in a special billboard-shaped format.
The price comparison is for this edition
Reprint edition from Harry N Abrams Inc (September 1, 1997)
9780810927650 | details & prices | 192 pages | 8.25 × 11.75 × 0.50 in. | 1.90 lbs | List price $24.95
About: Examines the history of billboards and their reflection of trends in art, advertising, and society

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