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Federal Taxation 2015: Comprehensive Topics
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Cch Inc
Publication date
March 31, 2014
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
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$252.00 says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: CCH's 2015 Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Topics is a popular teacher-created combination first- and second-level tax course that offers comprehensive one-volume coverage of all the most important tax concepts and principles for a solid grounding in federal taxation. It offers clear and concise explanation of fundamental tax concepts in the framework of today's tax practice. Covering both planning and compliance, the book strikes an effective balance between AICPA model curriculum demands and the favored approaches of the majority of today's top tax teachers. CCH's Comprehensive Topics introduces students to the complex and absorbing study of federal taxation, covering a broad range of subjects beginning with basic concepts and individual taxation. Once the fundamentals are covered, tax accounting and the taxation of partnerships and corporations become the focus. The final section of the book presents estate and gift taxation coverage, along with income taxation of trusts and estates. Deferred compensation, education savings, international tax, and state and local taxation are also addressed.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Murphy L. Smith, Philp J. Harmelink |
from Cch Inc (March 31, 2014)
9780808037965 | details & prices | 1216 pages | List price $252.00
About: CCH's 2015 Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Topics is a popular teacher-created combination first- and second-level tax course that offers comprehensive one-volume coverage of all the most important tax concepts and principles for a solid grounding in federal taxation.
About: CCH's 2015 Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Topics is a popular teacher-created combination first- and second-level tax course that offers comprehensive one-volume coverage of all the most important tax concepts and principles for a solid grounding in federal taxation.
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