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Donald and the... & Donald Has a Difficulty: Donald and the . . . & Donald Has a Difficulty
By Edward Gorey (illustrator) and Peter F. Neumeyer
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Pomegranate
Publication date March 15, 2012
Pages 92
Binding Hardcover
Edition Box
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780764961304
ISBN-10 0764961306
Dimensions 1.25 by 7 by 6.50 in.
Weight 1.40 lbs.
Original list price $17.95
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Meet Donald, a little boy who has little adventures that to him are very big indeed.

In Donald and the . . ., Donald finds a crawly creature. His mother lets him keep it in a jar, but soon it disappears. Donald takes to bed with painful ribs. But when he's all better, he looks in the jar and discovers a fine surprise.

In Donald Has a Difficulty, when Donald hurts his leg, his mother (as wise as she is kind) knows just what to do. And Donald learns what hurts and what doesn't—and that surprises him, too.

Book cover for 9780764961304
The price comparison is for this edition
Box edition from Pomegranate (March 15, 2012); titled "Donald and the... & Donald Has a Difficulty: Donald and the . . . & Donald Has a Difficulty"
9780764961304 | details & prices | 92 pages | 7.00 × 6.50 × 1.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 2-3 | 1.40 lbs | List price $17.95
About: Meet Donald, a little boy who has little adventures that to him are very big indeed.

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