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Why Should I Eat Well?
By Claire Llewellyn and Mike Gordon (illustrator)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Barrons Juveniles
Publication date July 27, 2005
Pages 32
Binding Paperback
Book category Easy Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780764132179
ISBN-10 0764132172
Dimensions 0.25 by 7.25 by 8 in.
Weight 0.24 lbs.
Original list price $7.99
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Boys and girls discover the importance of eating sensibly and keeping to a balanced diet. They learn that good eating habits are important for health and fitness. Titles in the enlightening and entertaining Why Should I? series of picture storybooks answer questions that younger boys and girls are likely to ask about a wide range of topics. Part of every child's development consists of asking questions about themselves, their friends and neighbors, and their surroundings. Why Should I? books help them discover good answers. Kids will be attracted by the amusing color illustrations on every page, and parents and teachers will appreciate the note at the back of each book offering further suggestions on answering children's questions.

Book cover for 9780764132179
The price comparison is for this edition
from Barrons Juveniles (July 27, 2005)
9780764132179 | details & prices | 32 pages | 7.25 × 8.00 × 0.25 in. | 0.24 lbs | List price $7.99
About: Boys and girls discover the importance of eating sensibly and keeping to a balanced diet.
from Demco Media (November 1, 2005)
9780606344111 | details & prices | 7.75 × 8.50 × 0.50 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $14.70
About: Monica used to love eating nothing but cakes, fizzy drinks, burgers, chips and pizza.
from Turtleback Books (July 15, 2005)
9780606385930 | details & prices | List price $18.40

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