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Becoming A Writer: The Classic Inspirational Guide
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Diane Pub Co
Publication date April 30, 2004
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780756774653
ISBN-10 0756774659
Dimensions 0.75 by 5.25 by 8.25 in.
Weight 0.50 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $20.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: How to Quickly Learn the Magic of Writing Success For most of my adult life I have been engaged in the writing, the editing, or the criticizing of fiction. I took, and I still take, the writing of fiction seriously. So I make no apology for writing seriously about the problems of fiction writers. I have had firsthand experience with almost every current "approach" to the problems of writing. The difficulties of the average student or amateur writer begin long before he has come to the place where he can benefit by technical instruction in story writing. He had longed to hear that there was some magic about writing, and to be initiated into the brotherhood of authors. This book, I believe, will be unique; for I think he is right. I think there is such a magic, and that it is teachable. This book is all about the writer's magic. (From the Introduction.) Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

The price comparison is for this edition
from Diane Pub Co (April 30, 2004)
9780756774653 | details & prices | 5.25 × 8.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $20.00
About: How to Quickly Learn the Magic of Writing Success For most of my adult life I have been engaged in the writing, the editing, or the criticizing of fiction.

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