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It's Not over Until You Win!: How to Become the Person You Always Wanted to Be -- No Matter What the Obstacle
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Jump down to see edition details for: CD/Spoken Word
Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Publication date October 31, 2005
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Abridged
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780743550352
ISBN-10 0743550358
Dimensions 0.50 by 5 by 5.75 in.
Weight 0.26 lbs.
Original list price $19.95
Other format details audio
Summaries and Reviews
A step-by-step plan by the inspirational author of Live Your Dreams offers examples and exercises on how to determine and live by a set of values, experiment with failure as a formula for success, and take life beyond set limits. Read by Les Brown. Book available. description: Product Description: Les Brown is one of the most popular motivational speakers in the world today. In It's Not Over Until You Win!, Brown offers a powerful and inspirational plan to help people overcome any obstacle in their lives.
Les Brown has been through countless ups and downs, suffering through personal and career crises including the cancellation of his television show and the death of his beloved mother. In this unique audio program, Brown tells you how he rose from those depths and how you can, too. It's Not Over Until You Win! demonstrates:
• How to cope with the loss of a loved one
• How to recover self-esteem when you lose your job
• How to keep away from self-destructive behavior
It's Not Over Until You Win! captures the amazing spirit of Brown's electric speaking style in a sure-fire empowerment audiobook that will help you take your life to a higher level of satisfaction and fulfillment.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780743550352
The price comparison is for this edition
Abridged edition from Simon & Schuster (October 31, 2005)
9780743550352 | details & prices | 5.00 × 5.75 × 0.50 in. | 0.26 lbs | List price $19.95
About: A step-by-step plan offers examples and exercises on how to determine and live by a set of values, experiment with failure as a formula for success, and take life beyond set limits.

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