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The World According To Garp
By Michael Prichard (narrator) and John Irving
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Random House
Publication date July 12, 2005
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Unabridged
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9780739320891
ISBN-10 0739320890
Dimensions 1.50 by 5 by 6 in.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $45.00
Other format details audio
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
T. S. Garp, a man with high ambitions for an artistic career and with obsessive devotion to his wife and children, and Jenny Fields, his famous feminist mother, find their lives surrounded by an odd assortment of people, including teachers, whores, and radicals. Book available. description: Product Description: The World According to Garp is a comic and compassionate coming-of-age novel that established John Irving as one of the most imaginative writers of his generation. A worldwide bestseller since its publication in 1978, Irving's classic is filled with stories inside stories about the life and times of T. S. Garp, novelist and bastard son of Jenny Fields--a feminist leader ahead of her time. Beyond that, The World According to Garp virtually defies synopsis.

----"Nothing in contemporary fiction matches it," said critic Terrence Des Pres. "Irving's blend of gravity and play is unique, audacious, almost blasphemous. . . . Friendship, marriage and family are his primary themes, but at that blundering level of life where mishap and folly--something close to joyful malice--perpetually intrude and disrupt, often fatally. Life, in Irving's fiction, is always under siege." Time magazine commented: "Irving's popularity is not hard to understand. His world is really the world according to nearly everyone."

----This Modern Library edition includes a new Introduction by the author.

The Modern Library has played a significant role in American cultural life for the better part of a century. The series was founded in 1917 by the publishers Boni and Liveright and eight years later acquired by Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer. It provided the foundation for their next publishing venture, Random House. The Modern Library has been a staple of the American book trade, providing readers with affordable hardbound editons of impor-tant works of literature and thought. For the Modern Library's seventy-fifth anniversary, Random House redesigned the series, restoringas its emblem the running torchbearer created by Lucian Bernhard in 1925 and refurbishing jackets, bindings, and type, as well as inaugurating a new program of selecting titles. The Modern Library continues to provide the world's best books, at the best prices.

From the Hardcover edition.

Book cover for 9780671069162 Book cover for 9780679603061
from Modern Library (May 1, 1998)
9780679603061 | details & prices | 688 pages | 5.25 × 7.75 × 1.75 in. | 1.45 lbs | List price $24.00
About: T.
Reprint edition from Bookthrift Co (May 1, 1984)
9780671069162 | details & prices | List price $4.98
About: T.
Book cover for 9780345366764 Book cover for 9780345418012 Book cover for 9780552776783 Book cover for 9780671523695 Book cover for 9780676973822
from Gardners Books (September 1, 2010); titled "World According to Garp"
9780552776783 | details & prices | 4.25 × 6.75 × 1.75 in. | 0.72 lbs | List price $15.20
from Random House of Canada Ltd (November 30, 2000)
9780676973822 | details & prices | 437 pages | 5.50 × 8.25 × 1.00 in. | 0.90 lbs | List price $22.00
Reprint edition from Ballantine Books (May 1, 1997)
9780345418012 | details & prices | 437 pages | 5.50 × 8.25 × 1.00 in. | 0.80 lbs | List price $17.00
About: T.
Reissue edition from Ballantine Books (August 1, 1994)
9780345366764 | details & prices | 4.25 × 7.00 × 1.25 in. | 0.75 lbs | List price $7.99
About: T.
from Pocket Books (June 1, 1985); titled "World According to Garp"
9780671523695 | details & prices | List price $5.00
About: Journey through generations and across two continents with the astonishing family of T.
CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780739320891
The price comparison is for this edition
With Michael Prichard (other contributor) | Unabridged edition from Random House (July 12, 2005)
9780739320891 | details & prices | 5.00 × 6.00 × 1.50 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $45.00
About: T.
Cassette/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780375403842
With Michael Prichard (other contributor) | Unabridged edition from Random House (June 1, 1998)
9780375403842 | details & prices | 4.50 × 6.25 × 2.50 in. | 1.10 lbs | List price $44.95
About: T.
Book cover for 9780606197403
from Demco Media (October 1, 2000); titled "World According to Garp"
9780606197403 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.50 × 1.50 in. | 1.05 lbs | List price $24.55
About: T.
Book cover for 9780613176156 Book cover for 9781417737543 Book cover for 9781439570579
Reprint edition from Paw Prints (April 9, 2009)
9781439570579 | details & prices | List price $16.99
from Turtleback Books (March 1, 2001)
9780613176156 | details & prices | 4.50 × 7.00 × 1.25 in. | 0.75 lbs | List price $16.45
About: T.
Reprint edition from Turtleback Books (June 1, 1997); titled "World According to Garp"
9781417737543 | details & prices | List price $26.95
About: T.

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