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Daddy Will Always Love and Protect You
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Larry Hagner
Publication date March 30, 2017
Pages 24
Binding Paperback
ISBN-13 9780692856482
ISBN-10 069285648X
Dimensions 0.06 by 8.50 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.22 lbs.
Original list price $9.97
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Daddy Will Always Love and Protect You illustrates a father's love for his kids. There are so many books on the market that illustrate the relationships between moms and kids, but very few for dads. Being a dad is one of the toughest yet rewarding jobs in the world. Most of our kids don't clearly understand how much we love them, how much we think about them when we are not around, and how important they are to us. This book is a short, funny, and powerful read for both dads and kids.

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