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Weekends in New York
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Fodors Travel Pubns
Publication date September 1, 1997
Pages 193
Binding Paperback
Edition 5th
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780679035466
ISBN-10 067903546X
Dimensions 0.75 by 5.25 by 9 in.
Weight 0.50 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $14.50
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Lists weekend activities, including sports, museums, shopping, sightseeing, and entertainment description: Product Description: Great neighborhood maps and hundreds of shopping, restaurant, and nightlife listings make this a perfect guide for weekend visitors, suburban day-trippers, and New York natives. It's a lively, one-of-a-kind guide to the best that the Big Apple has to offer. Even know-it-all New Yorkers will find new things to do and places to see.

Book cover for 9780679035466
The price comparison is for this edition
5th edition from Fodors Travel Pubns (September 1, 1997)
9780679035466 | details & prices | 193 pages | 5.25 × 9.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $14.50
About: Lists weekend activities, including sports, museums, shopping, sightseeing, and entertainment

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