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Eight Months on Ghazzah Street
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Bibliographic Detail
Viking Pr
Publication date
June 1, 1988
Book category
Adult Fiction
Out of Print
Original list price
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: From the two-time Man Booker Prize winner, a prescient and haunting novel of life in Saudi Arabia.Frances Shore is a cartographer by trade, a maker of maps, but when her husband's work takes her to Saudi Arabia she finds herself unable to map the Kingdom's areas of internal darkness. The regime is corrupt and harsh, the expatriates are hard-drinking money-grubbers, and her Muslim neighbours are secretive, watchful. The streets are not a woman's territory; confined in her flat, she finds her sense of self begin to dissolve. She hears whispers, sounds of distress from the 'empty' flat above her head. She has only rumours, no facts to hang on to, and no one with whom to share her creeping unease. As her days empty of certainty and purpose, her life becomes a blank - waiting to be filled by violence and disaster.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Viking Pr (June 1, 1988)
9780670821174 | details & prices | 298 pages | List price $18.95
About: From the two-time Man Booker Prize winner, a prescient and haunting novel of life in Saudi Arabia.
About: From the two-time Man Booker Prize winner, a prescient and haunting novel of life in Saudi Arabia.
Reprint edition from Picador USA (September 1, 2003)
9780312422899 | details & prices | 288 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 0.75 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $16.00
About: When Frances Shore joins her engineer husband in Saudia Arabia, she is troubled by culture shock, boredom, and the sound of sobs coming from the apartment above, although her neighbors say it is all in her imagination.
About: When Frances Shore joins her engineer husband in Saudia Arabia, she is troubled by culture shock, boredom, and the sound of sobs coming from the apartment above, although her neighbors say it is all in her imagination.
Reprint edition from Henry Holt & Co (July 1, 1997)
9780805052039 | details & prices | 270 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 0.75 in. | 0.75 lbs | List price $13.00
About: When Frances Shore joins her engineer husband in Saudia Arabia, she is troubled by culture shock, boredom, and the sound of sobs coming from the apartment above, although her neighbors say it's all in her imagination
About: When Frances Shore joins her engineer husband in Saudia Arabia, she is troubled by culture shock, boredom, and the sound of sobs coming from the apartment above, although her neighbors say it's all in her imagination
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