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The Egg
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Demco Media
Publication date April 30, 2004
Binding Reinforced
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9780606303613
ISBN-10 0606303618
Dimensions 0.50 by 9.50 by 10.75 in.
Weight 1 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Business
Original list price $15.85
Other format details juvenile
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. This gentle fantasy with charming illustrations offers an original take on the relationship between a boy and a beast.

Book cover for 9780142400388 Book cover for 9780711215252 Book cover for 9781847805515
With M. P. Robertson | from Frances Lincoln Childrens Books (September 23, 2014)
9781847805515 | details & prices | 32 pages | 5.75 × 7.25 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.15 lbs | List price $6.99
Reprint edition from Puffin (February 1, 2004)
9780142400388 | details & prices | 9.25 × 10.50 × 0.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.40 lbs | List price $6.99
About: George hatches a dragon from a strange egg that he finds and then faces the challenge of raising him properly.
With M. P. Robertson | New edition from Gardners Books (September 6, 2001)
9780711215252 | details & prices | 36 pages | List price $9.95
About: When George discovers a large egg under his mother's favourite chicken, he soon finds himself looking after a baby dragon.
School and Library
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from Dial Books for Young Readers (October 5, 2006)
9780803731943 | details & prices | 32 pages | 9.75 × 11.25 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.94 lbs | List price $15.99
About: George hatches a dragon from a strange egg that he finds and then faces the challenge of raising him properly.
from Phyllis Fogelman Books (January 1, 2001)
9780803725461 | details & prices | 10.00 × 11.50 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.90 lbs | List price $15.99
About: George hatches a dragon from a strange egg that he finds and then faces the challenge of raising him properly.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Demco Media (April 30, 2004)
9780606303613 | details & prices | 9.50 × 10.75 × 0.50 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $15.85
Book cover for 9780613878272
With M. P. Robertson | from Turtleback Books (February 28, 2004); titled "Egg"
9780613878272 | details & prices | 9.50 × 10.75 × 0.40 in. | Rec. grade levels 1-2 | 0.95 lbs | List price $17.20
About: George hatches a dragon from a strange egg that he finds and then faces the challenge of raising him properly.

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