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Virtual Light
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Bantam Dell Pub Group
Publication date September 1, 1993
Pages 325
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9780553074994
ISBN-10 0553074997
Dimensions 1.25 by 6.50 by 9.25 in.
Weight 1.50 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $21.95
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews
In 2005, in two Californias divided along seismic fault lines of power and wealth, ex-cop Berry Rydell is assigned to track people down through a maze of Virtual Reality. By the author of Neuromancer. 55,000 first printing. $55,000 ad/promo. Tour.
Book cover for 9780553074994
The price comparison is for this edition
from Bantam Dell Pub Group (September 1, 1993)
9780553074994 | details & prices | 325 pages | 6.50 × 9.25 × 1.25 in. | 1.50 lbs | List price $21.95
About: In 2005, in two Californias divided along seismic fault lines of power and wealth, ex-cop Berry Rydell is assigned to track people down through a maze of Virtual Reality
Book cover for 9780553566062
Reissue edition from Spectra (August 1, 1994)
9780553566062 | details & prices | 4.00 × 6.75 × 1.00 in. | 0.40 lbs | List price $7.99
About: In 2005, in two Californias divided along seismic fault lines of power and wealth, ex-cop Berry Rydell is assigned to track people down through a maze of Virtual Reality
Cassette/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9780553472752
With Peter Weller (other contributor) | from Bantam Audio (August 1, 1994)
9780553472752 | details & prices | 4.50 × 7.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.35 lbs | List price $16.99
About: In 2005, in two Californias divided along seismic fault lines of power and wealth, ex-cop Berry Rydell is assigned to track people down through a maze of virtual reality.
Book cover for 9781417672103
With William Gibson | from Turtleback Books (July 1, 1994)
9781417672103 | details & prices | List price $18.40
About: 2005: Welcome to NoCal and SoCal, the uneasy  sister-states of what used to be California.

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