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Foucault's Pendulum
Umberto Eco
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Bibliographic Detail
Houghton Mifflin
Publication date
March 5, 2007
Book category
Adult Fiction
Original list price
Summaries and Reviews
from Houghton Mifflin (November 1, 1989)
9780151327652 | details & prices | 641 pages | 6.50 × 9.50 × 2.00 in. | 2.60 lbs | List price $35.00
About: A wily group of editors devises a mock formula for tapping the mystical powers of the universe, only to set off a series of mysterious disappearances
About: A wily group of editors devises a mock formula for tapping the mystical powers of the universe, only to set off a series of mysterious disappearances
With William Weaver (other contributor) |
Reprint edition from Mariner Books (March 5, 2007)
9780156032971 | details & prices | 623 pages | 5.25 × 8.00 × 1.25 in. | 1.45 lbs | List price $15.95
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins taking over.
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins taking over.
With William Weaver (other contributor) |
from Ballantine Books (July 1, 1997)
9780345418272 | details & prices | 5.50 × 8.25 × 1.25 in. | 1.10 lbs | List price $14.95
Reprint edition from Ballantine Books (December 1, 1990)
9780345368751 | details & prices | 4.25 × 6.75 × 1.25 in. | 0.55 lbs | List price $7.99
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins taking over
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins taking over
The price comparison is for this edition
from Houghton Mifflin (March 5, 2007)
9780547539683 | details & prices | List price $15.95
Cassette/Spoken Word
With Tim Curry (other contributor) |
Abridged edition from St Martins Pr (October 15, 1995)
9781559273596 | details & prices | 4.50 × 7.25 × 1.25 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $24.95
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins to gain its own power.
About: Three editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable about a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy, begin feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into a sophisticated computer, creating an incredible game that begins to gain its own power.
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