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Siege of Silence
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Bibliographic Detail
E P Dutton
Publication date
July 1, 1986
Book category
Adult Fiction
Out of Print
Published in
Great Britain
Original list price
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
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Message From Hell | The Blue Ring | The Perfect Kill | The Snap | The Mahdi
Summaries and Reviews
American ambassador Jason Peabody is held captive with twenty-seven others by Jorge Calderon, a Cuban interrogator committed to getting him to reveal crucial information about United States policy, while Colonel Silas Slocum mounts an unorthodox mission to save the hostages
The price comparison is for this edition
from E P Dutton (July 1, 1986)
9780525244295 | details & prices | List price $16.95
About: American ambassador Jason Peabody is held captive with twenty-seven others by Jorge Calderon, a Cuban interrogator committed to getting him to reveal crucial information about United States policy, while Colonel Silas Slocum mounts an unorthodox mission to save the hostages
About: American ambassador Jason Peabody is held captive with twenty-seven others by Jorge Calderon, a Cuban interrogator committed to getting him to reveal crucial information about United States policy, while Colonel Silas Slocum mounts an unorthodox mission to save the hostages
Reprint edition from Onyx Books (August 1, 1987)
9780451400451 | details & prices | List price $3.95
About: American ambassador Jason Peabody is held captive with twenty-seven others by Jorge Calderon, a Cuban interrogator committed to getting him to reveal crucial information about United States policy, while Colonel Silas Slocum mounts an unorthodox mission to save the hostages
About: American ambassador Jason Peabody is held captive with twenty-seven others by Jorge Calderon, a Cuban interrogator committed to getting him to reveal crucial information about United States policy, while Colonel Silas Slocum mounts an unorthodox mission to save the hostages
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