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An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
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Jump down to see edition details for An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England: Hardcover | Paperback
Jump down to see edition details for New York Exposed!: How a Police Scandal Shocked the Nation and Launched the Progressive Era: Paperback
Jump down to see edition details for New York Exposed!: How a Police Scandal Shocked the Nation and Launched the Progressive Era: Paperback
Bibliographic Detail
Cambridge Univ Pr
Publication date
September 1, 1977
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1 by 5.75 by 8.75 in.
1 lbs.
Out of Print
Original list price
Other format details
university press
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
Editions for the work An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
With Simon Keynes (other contributor), Peter Hunter Blair |
3 edition from Cambridge Univ Pr (August 25, 2003)
9780521830850 | details & prices | 420 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 1.25 in. | 1.40 lbs | List price $125.00
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation.
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation.
1 edition from Cambridge Univ Pr (October 28, 1977)
9780521216500 | details & prices | List price $79.95
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
With Peter Hunter Blair, Simon Keynes (other contributor) |
3 edition from Cambridge Univ Pr (September 1, 2003)
9780521537773 | details & prices | 420 pages | 5.50 × 8.50 × 1.00 in. | 1.15 lbs | List price $54.99
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation.
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Daniel Czitrom, Peter Hunter Blair |
from Cambridge Univ Pr (September 1, 1977)
9780521292191 | details & prices | 379 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 1.00 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $29.00
This edition also contains New York Exposed!: How a Police Scandal Shocked the Nation and Launched the Progressive Era
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
This edition also contains New York Exposed!: How a Police Scandal Shocked the Nation and Launched the Progressive Era
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
from Cambridge Univ Pr (January 3, 1956)
9780521091046 | details & prices | List price $6.25
Editions for the work New York Exposed!: How a Police Scandal Shocked the Nation and Launched the Progressive Era
The price comparison is for this edition
With Peter Hunter Blair, Peter Hunter Blair |
from Cambridge Univ Pr (September 1, 1977); titled "An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England"
9780521292191 | details & prices | 379 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 1.00 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $29.00
This edition also contains An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
This edition also contains An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
About: An account of life in England during the seven centuries following the Roman evacuation
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