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Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics
Arthur Godon Webster and
Samuel J. Plimpton (editor)
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Dover Pubns
Publication date
June 15, 2016
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0 by 5.50 by 8.50 in.
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: A classic treatise on partial differential equations, this comprehensive work by one of America's greatest early mathematical physicists covers the basic method, theory, and application of partial differential equations. In addition to its value as an introductory and supplementary text for students, this volume constitutes a fine reference for mathematicians, physicists, and research engineers.
Detailed coverage includes Fourier series; integral and elliptic equations; spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics; Cauchy's method; boundary problems; the Riemann-Volterra method; and many other basic topics. The self-contained treatment fully develops the theory and application of partial differential equations to virtually every relevant field: vibration, elasticity, potential theory, the theory of sound, wave propagation, heat conduction, and many more. A helpful Appendix provides background on Jacobians, double limits, uniform convergence, definite integrals, complex variables, and linear differential equations.
Detailed coverage includes Fourier series; integral and elliptic equations; spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics; Cauchy's method; boundary problems; the Riemann-Volterra method; and many other basic topics. The self-contained treatment fully develops the theory and application of partial differential equations to virtually every relevant field: vibration, elasticity, potential theory, the theory of sound, wave propagation, heat conduction, and many more. A helpful Appendix provides background on Jacobians, double limits, uniform convergence, definite integrals, complex variables, and linear differential equations.
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With Arthur Godon Webster |
2 edition from Dover Pubns (June 15, 2016)
9780486805153 | details & prices | 464 pages | List price $29.95
About: A classic treatise on partial differential equations, this comprehensive work by one of America's greatest early mathematical physicists covers the basic method, theory, and application of partial differential equations.
About: A classic treatise on partial differential equations, this comprehensive work by one of America's greatest early mathematical physicists covers the basic method, theory, and application of partial differential equations.
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