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The Perfect Orgasm: How To Get It, How To Give It
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Grand Central Pub
Publication date July 18, 2005
Pages 257
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780446692670
ISBN-10 0446692670
Dimensions 0.75 by 5.25 by 8 in.
Weight 0.55 lbs.
Original list price $19.99
Summaries and Reviews
A practical guide for women on how to promote a mutually satisfying sexual relationship covers such topics as finding the g-spot, mastering oral sex skills, and performing exercises that can enhance a sexual experience. By the author of Totally Private. Original. description: Product Description: Your Happy Ending Starts Here! The perfect orgasm isn't born. It's made-patiently, attentively, lovingly. Now Joan Elizabeth Lloyd, one of America's most celebrated sex experts and the author of Nice Couples Do, If It Feels Good, Come Play with Me, and 52 Saturday Nights, reveals intimate secrets available in no other guide. Step by step and drawing on the experiences of men and women just like you, you'll learn how to bring your partner to the peak of pleasure...and how to help him or her do the same for you. Discover: * The mysteries of the g-spot-how to find it, how to use it * Step-by-step oral sex tips-for him and for her * Solo exercises-an excellent way to prime yourself for a more intense experience * How to improve communication with your partner-a sure way to a better sex life * Ways to start the fun early in the day-for a more spectacular encounter later * How to pick your sex toys wisely-for size, shape, and erogenous zone.

Book cover for 9780446692670
The price comparison is for this edition
from Grand Central Pub (July 18, 2005)
9780446692670 | details & prices | 257 pages | 5.25 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.55 lbs | List price $19.99
About: A practical guide for women on how to promote a mutually satisfying sexual relationship covers such topics as finding the g-spot, mastering oral sex skills, and performing exercises that can enhance a sexual experience.
from Grand Central Pub (September 3, 2007)
9780446510219 | details & prices | List price $9.99

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