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Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology
Lui G. Forni (editor),
Zdenek Rehacek,
Sean Bagshaw (editor),
A. B. Johan Groeneveld (editor),
Premysl Sajdl and
Heleen M. Oudemans-van Straaten (editor)
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Jump down to see edition details for Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology: Hardcover
Jump down to see edition details for Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician: Hardcover
Jump down to see edition details for Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician: Hardcover
Bibliographic Detail
Elsevier Science Ltd
Publication date
December 1, 1990
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
Out of Print
Published in
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§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: This monograph reflects the continued and growing interest in ergot alkaloids due to their fascinating chemistry, multiple biological actions, their importance as therapeutically useful agents and the innovation of alkaloid biotechnology. As well as giving a brief review of recent literature, the book also illustrates the present problems of ergot research with emphasis on areas where knowledge is lacking and where research should be pursued further. It is hoped that the book will also stimulate integration of the individual fields of ergot alkaloid research. Its usefulness is enhanced by the inclusion of many illustrations, graphs, tables and over 700 references. The book is intended for advanced undergraduates in biochemistry and molecular biology, for graduates embarking upon studies of excessive metabolites of microorganisms, for chemists seeking to find some understanding of the more biological aspects of the subject, for biologists who require some knowledge of the chemical and molecular aspects, and for practitioners in bioindustry. The book is also helpful as a bibliographic source.
Editions for the work Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology
The price comparison is for this edition
With Sean Bagshaw (other contributor), Heleen M. Oudemans-van Straaten (other contributor), A. B. Johan Groeneveld (other contributor), Lui G. Forni (other contributor) |
from Elsevier Science Ltd (December 1, 1990)
9780444987679 | details & prices | List price $211.25
This edition also contains Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician
About: This monograph reflects the continued and growing interest in ergot alkaloids due to their fascinating chemistry, multiple biological actions, their importance as therapeutically useful agents and the innovation of alkaloid biotechnology.
This edition also contains Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician
About: This monograph reflects the continued and growing interest in ergot alkaloids due to their fascinating chemistry, multiple biological actions, their importance as therapeutically useful agents and the innovation of alkaloid biotechnology.
Editions for the work Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician
The price comparison is for this edition
With Lui G. Forni (other contributor), Premysl Sajdl, A. B. Johan Groeneveld (other contributor), Zdenek Rehacek, Heleen M. Oudemans-van Straaten (other contributor) |
from Elsevier Science Ltd (December 1, 1990); titled "Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology"
9780444987679 | details & prices | List price $211.25
This edition also contains Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology
About: This monograph reflects the continued and growing interest in ergot alkaloids due to their fascinating chemistry, multiple biological actions, their importance as therapeutically useful agents and the innovation of alkaloid biotechnology.
This edition also contains Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology
About: This monograph reflects the continued and growing interest in ergot alkaloids due to their fascinating chemistry, multiple biological actions, their importance as therapeutically useful agents and the innovation of alkaloid biotechnology.
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