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Architecture, Form, Space and Order
Parragon (corporate author) and
Frank Ching
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Jump down to see edition details for Architecture, Form, Space and Order: Hardcover | Paperback
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Jump down to see edition details for Disney Minnie Mouse Rapunzel: Paperback
Bibliographic Detail
Van Nostrand Reinhold
Publication date
November 1, 1979
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1 by 8.50 by 10 in.
2.30 lbs.
Original list price
$32.95 says people who bought this book also bought:
Building Construction Illustrated | Graphic Design for Architects | Design Drawing | A Visual Dictionary of Architecture | Landscape Graphics | Design Drawing
Building Construction Illustrated | Graphic Design for Architects | Design Drawing | A Visual Dictionary of Architecture | Landscape Graphics | Design Drawing
Summaries and Reviews
Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
Editions for the work Architecture, Form, Space and Order
from Van Nostrand Reinhold (January 1, 1980)
9780442215347 | details & prices | List price $24.95
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
The price comparison is for this edition
With Parragon (other contributor) |
from Van Nostrand Reinhold (November 1, 1979)
9780442215354 | details & prices | 8.50 × 10.00 × 1.00 in. | 2.30 lbs | List price $32.95
This edition also contains Disney Minnie Mouse Rapunzel
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
This edition also contains Disney Minnie Mouse Rapunzel
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
With Francis D. K. Ching |
from John Wiley & Sons Inc (November 1, 1979); titled "Architecture: Form, Space & Order"
9780471293712 | details & prices | 8.25 × 11.25 × 1.00 in. | 2.35 lbs | List price $32.95
This edition also contains Between the Color Lines: A History of African Americans on the California Frontier from 1769 Through Reconstruction
About: The Second Edition of this classic introduction to the principles of architecture is everything you would expect from the celebrated architect, author, and illustrator, Francis D.
This edition also contains Between the Color Lines: A History of African Americans on the California Frontier from 1769 Through Reconstruction
About: The Second Edition of this classic introduction to the principles of architecture is everything you would expect from the celebrated architect, author, and illustrator, Francis D.
Editions for the work Disney Minnie Mouse Rapunzel
The price comparison is for this edition
With Frank Ching |
from Van Nostrand Reinhold (November 1, 1979); titled "Architecture, Form, Space and Order"
9780442215354 | details & prices | 8.50 × 10.00 × 1.00 in. | 2.30 lbs | List price $32.95
This edition also contains Architecture, Form, Space and Order
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
This edition also contains Architecture, Form, Space and Order
About: Interprets form as the architect's basic tool, analyzes a wide range of models, and examines each model's specific application in history, demonstrating the timelessness of basic architectural elements and principles
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