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Omg Shakespeare Boxed Set
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Random House Childrens Books
Publication date September 27, 2016
Pages 128
Binding Hardcover
Edition Box
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780399557378
ISBN-10 0399557377
Original list price $29.97
Other format details juvenile says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Three of Shakespeare’s most popular plays . . . in texts?! The immortal William Shakespeare is given a fun, modern twist in this OMG Shakespeare boxed set!
This hilarious boxed set includes three adaptations of Shakespeare’s most beloved tragedies:
YOLO Juliet
srsly Hamlet
Macbeth #killing it
Imagine: What if Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Ophelia, and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had smartphones? To bae or not to bae? The real question is: How can you read while ROTFL?! If you <3 Shakespeare, don’t miss Romeo’s flirty texts to Juliet, Hamlet’s passive-aggressive status updates, or Macbeth’s reaction when the Great Birnam Wood checks in to his location.
tl;dr William Shakespeare’s most famous plays told through the characters texting with emojis, posting photos, checking in at locations, and updating their relationship statuses. The perfect gift for any teen (or any reader with a sense of humor)!
Glossaries and casts of characters are included for those who need it. For example: tl;dr means too long; didn’t read.

Book cover for 9780399557378
The price comparison is for this edition
With Courtney Carbone | Box edition from Random House Childrens Books (September 27, 2016)
9780399557378 | details & prices | 128 pages | List price $29.97
About: Three of Shakespeare’s most popular plays .

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