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Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Held in Rapallo, Italy, 19-24 June, 1990
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Springer Verlag
Publication date June 1, 1991
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9780387537634
ISBN-10 0387537635
Published in Europe
Original list price $49.00
Other format details sci/tech
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Geometry, if understood properly, is still the closest link between mathematics and theoretical physics, even for quantum concepts. In this collection of outstanding survey articles the concept of non-commutation geometry and the idea of quantum groups are discussed from various points of view. Furthermore the reader will find contributions to conformal field theory and to superalgebras and supermanifolds. The book addresses both physicists and mathematicians.

This edition contains multiple works--typically stories or entire novels--that are found in different collections. Below find each work in this edition grouped by how you can find each.
Book cover for 9780387537634
The price comparison is for this edition
With Polly Holyoke | from Springer Verlag (June 1, 1991)
9780387537634 | details & prices | List price $49.00
This edition also contains The Neptune Challenge
About: Geometry, if understood properly, is still the closest link between mathematics and theoretical physics, even for quantum concepts.
Editions for the work The Neptune Challenge
Book cover for 9780387537634 Book cover for 9781484713457
from Disney Pr (May 19, 2015)
9781484713457 | details & prices | 340 pages | 6.00 × 8.25 × 1.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 1.15 lbs | List price $16.99
The price comparison is for this edition
With U. Bruzzo, R. Cianci (other contributor), C. Bartocci | from Springer Verlag (June 1, 1991); titled "Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Held in Rapallo, Italy, 19-24 June, 1990"
9780387537634 | details & prices | List price $49.00
This edition also contains Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Held in Rapallo, Italy, 19-24 June, 1990
About: Geometry, if understood properly, is still the closest link between mathematics and theoretical physics, even for quantum concepts.
Book cover for 9781484715710
from Disney Pr (May 10, 2016)
9781484715710 | details & prices | 340 pages | 5.00 × 7.00 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.50 lbs | List price $7.99

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