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Now That You're Here / While You Were Gone: Now That You're Here / While You Were Gone
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Ember
Publication date February 2, 2016
Pages 608
Binding Paperback
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780385753968
ISBN-10 0385753969
Dimensions 1.50 by 5.75 by 9 in.
Weight 1 lbs.
Original list price $12.99
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: 2 books, and 2 parallel worlds come together in 1 exciting bind-up, perfect for die-hard science geeks and Sarah Dessen fans alike.
“The perfect blend of sci-fi and swoons.” —Amie Kaufman, New York Times Bestselling author of This Shattered World
Book 1: Now That You're Here. Danny is a street-smart graffiti artist who is jolted into a parallel world. Eevee is the unexpectedly alluring science geek he kissed once in his world and finds himself falling for in this one. Together, they must figure out what caused Danny's jump, before another jolt in the space-time continuum leaves them back at square one.
Book 2: While You Were Gone. In a city where censorship is everywhere and security is everything, Eevee is an artist with a bright future, until an accident destroys her prospects. Danny is given a fresh start when a glitch in the universe lifts him out of his own dead-end life and drops him in a parallel world. But his alternate self is tangled up with an anarchist group that could land him in deep trouble.
As Danny sifts through clues from his past and Eevee attempts to piece together her future, they uncover a secret that's bigger than both of them. . . . And together, they must correct the breach between the worlds before it's too late.

Book cover for 9780385753968
The price comparison is for this edition
from Ember (February 2, 2016); titled "Now That You're Here / While You Were Gone: Now That You're Here / While You Were Gone"
9780385753968 | details & prices | 608 pages | 5.75 × 9.00 × 1.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 1.00 lbs | List price $12.99
About: 2 books, and 2 parallel worlds come together in 1 exciting bind-up, perfect for die-hard science geeks and Sarah Dessen fans alike.

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