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Now That You're Here
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Alfred a Knopf Inc
Publication date December 9, 2014
Pages 284
Binding Hardcover
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9780385753890
ISBN-10 0385753896
Dimensions 1 by 5.75 by 8.75 in.
Weight 0.90 lbs.
Original list price $16.99
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In a parallel universe, the classic bad boy falls for the class science geek.
One minute Danny was running from the cops, and the next, he jolted awake in an unfamiliar body--his own, but different. Somehow, he's crossed into a parallel universe. Now his friends are his enemies, his parents are long dead, and studious Eevee is not the mysterious femme fatale he once kissed back home. Then again, this Eevee--a girl who'd rather land an internship at NASA than a date to the prom--may be his only hope of getting home.
Eevee tells herself she's only helping him in the name of quantum physics, but there's something undeniably fascinating about this boy from another dimension . . . a boy who makes her question who she is, and who she might be in another place and time.
And, coming soon, Duplexity, Part II: While You Were Gone flips this story on its head and tells the tale of the alternate Danny and the alternate Eevee, living in Danny's parallel world.

Praise for Now That You're Here:

"The perfect blend of sci-fi and swoons, Now That You're Here is like no other book I've read. Riveting, romantic and utterly original, it kept me up late!"  --Amie Kaufman, author of These Broken Stars

"Dynamic, dizzying, and downright daring, Now That You're Here kept me guessing until the end, and ready for the next." --Shannon Messenger, author of Let the Sky Fall

"Nichols infuses the story with a smattering of science fiction and science fact, while making a welcome departure from the stereotype of the book-smart outcast trying to fit in. These geeks own their intelligence like a badge of honor, using science to help a friend and explore strange new worlds. Riveting in its own right, the story sets the stage for a mirror-image sequel, which will follow the other Danny and Eevee." -- Publishers Weekly, STARRED

"While the world-jumping is fantastical, the personalities and characters (fully individual, without reaching trying-too-hard levels of quirkiness) ring true.... A debut with great characters and huge nerd appeal." -- Kirkus Reviews

Book cover for 9780385753890
The price comparison is for this edition
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (December 9, 2014)
9780385753890 | details & prices | 284 pages | 5.75 × 8.75 × 1.00 in. | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | 0.90 lbs | List price $16.99
About: In a parallel universe, the classic bad boy falls for the class science geek.
Book cover for 9780385753906
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (December 9, 2014)
9780385753906 | details & prices | 304 pages | Rec. grade levels 7-9 | List price $19.99

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