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The Last September
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Bibliographic Detail
Anchor Books
Publication date
May 1, 2000
Book category
Adult Fiction
0.75 by 5.25 by 8 in.
0.60 lbs.
Original list price
Summaries and Reviews
Lois Farquar struggles to find her own identity and live her own life amid the family and guests of aristocrats Sir Richard Naylor and his wife, Lady Myra, at their country home in 1920s southern Ireland, while, all around them, the end of British rule and their treasured way of life rapidly approaches. Reprint. (A Trimark Pictures film, releasing Spring 2000, produced by Neil Jordan, written by John Banville, starring Maggie Smith & Michael Gambon) (Historical Fiction)
The price comparison is for this edition
from Anchor Books (May 1, 2000)
9780385720144 | details & prices | 303 pages | 5.25 × 8.00 × 0.75 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $16.00
About: During the 1920s, in an Ireland torn by revolution, an upper-class family struggles to ignore the violence that threatens its stability
About: During the 1920s, in an Ireland torn by revolution, an upper-class family struggles to ignore the violence that threatens its stability
With Sherry Reiter, David Read Johnson (other contributor) |
Reprint edition from Viking Pr (June 1, 1987)
9780140183047 | details & prices | 5.25 × 7.75 × 0.75 in. | 0.35 lbs | List price $11.95
This edition also contains Writing Away the Demons: Stories of Creative Coping Through Transformative Writing
About: A social comedy depicting Anglo-Irish life at the troublesome time of 1920, by the author of THE HOTEL, FRIENDS AND RELATIONS and A WORLD OF LOVE.
This edition also contains Writing Away the Demons: Stories of Creative Coping Through Transformative Writing
About: A social comedy depicting Anglo-Irish life at the troublesome time of 1920, by the author of THE HOTEL, FRIENDS AND RELATIONS and A WORLD OF LOVE.
from Avon Books (December 1, 1979); titled "Last September"
9780380479771 | details & prices | List price $2.25
About: WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY VICTORIA GLENDINNING The Irish troubles rage, but up at the 'Big House', tennis parties, dances and flirtations with the English officers continue, undisturbed by the ambushes, arrests and burning country beyond the gates.
About: WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY VICTORIA GLENDINNING The Irish troubles rage, but up at the 'Big House', tennis parties, dances and flirtations with the English officers continue, undisturbed by the ambushes, arrests and burning country beyond the gates.
Cassette/Spoken Word
With Fiona Shaw (other contributor) |
Unabridged edition from Sterling Audio Books (April 1, 1999)
9780754002802 | details & prices | 6.00 × 9.25 × 1.25 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $69.95
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