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The Tiny Wish
By Lori Evert and Per Breiehagen (photographer)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Random House Childrens Books
Publication date January 6, 2015
Pages 32
Binding Library
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9780375973369
ISBN-10 0375973362
Dimensions 0.50 by 9.50 by 12.50 in.
Weight 1.26 lbs.
Original list price $20.99
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The kind and brave heroine of the bestselling The Christmas Wish returns in a springtime adventure! 

When Anja wishes to be tiny to win a game of hide-and-seek, her wish comes true! Just a few inches tall, she must find her way home with the help of some new animal friends. Extraordinary photographs and enchanting text will leave readers wondering, “Did that really happen?”

Book cover for 9780385379229
With Lori Evert | from Random House Childrens Books (January 6, 2015)
9780385379229 | details & prices | 32 pages | 9.50 × 12.50 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 1.30 lbs | List price $17.99
Book cover for 9780375973369
The price comparison is for this edition
With Lori Evert | from Random House Childrens Books (January 6, 2015)
9780375973369 | details & prices | 32 pages | 9.50 × 12.50 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels Preschool | 1.26 lbs | List price $20.99
About: The kind and brave heroine of the bestselling The Christmas Wish returns in a springtime adventure!

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