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Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here
Joseph Heller and
Bobbie Pyron
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Jump down to see edition details for Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here: Hardcover | Paperback
Jump down to see edition details for Lucky Strike: Hardcover | Paperback
Jump down to see edition details for Lucky Strike: Hardcover | Paperback
Bibliographic Detail
Alfred a Knopf Inc
Publication date
April 1, 1998
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
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Original list price
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews
Editions for the work Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here
Large print edition from Linford (May 1, 1999); titled "Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here"
9780708990667 | details & prices | 6.00 × 9.50 × 1.00 in. | 1.30 lbs | List price $31.99
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (February 1, 1998); titled "Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here"
9780375400629 | details & prices | 259 pages | 6.25 × 9.75 × 1.00 in. | 1.15 lbs | List price $24.00
About: The author relates the story of his life, from his Coney Island childhood during the Depression, to his service in the Army Air Force satirized in his most famous book, to marriage and after
About: The author relates the story of his life, from his Coney Island childhood during the Depression, to his service in the Army Air Force satirized in his most famous book, to marriage and after
from Vintage Books (February 1, 1999); titled "Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here"
9780375700552 | details & prices | 259 pages | 4.75 × 8.00 × 0.50 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $16.00
About: The author relates the story of his life, from his Coney Island childhood during the Depression, to his service in the Army Air Force satirized in his most famous book, to marriage and after
About: The author relates the story of his life, from his Coney Island childhood during the Depression, to his service in the Army Air Force satirized in his most famous book, to marriage and after
The price comparison is for this edition
With Bobbie Pyron |
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (April 1, 1998)
Editions for the work Lucky Strike
from Arthur a Levine (February 24, 2015)
9780545592178 | details & prices | 263 pages | 6.00 × 8.75 × 1.25 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.78 lbs | List price $16.99
from Scholastic Paperbacks (August 30, 2016)
9780545592185 | details & prices | 272 pages | List price $6.99
The price comparison is for this edition
With Joseph Heller |
from Alfred a Knopf Inc (April 1, 1998); titled "Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here"
9780375702518 | details & prices | List price $7.00
This edition also contains Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here
This edition also contains Now & Then: From Coney Island to Here
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